Wednesday, March 5, 2008

And so . . .

Frustrating, but my weight is creeping back up. I keep trying to tell myself that it's my "friend" (which shall henceforth be known as "Sue," but don't ask me why I chose that name), but a part of me is worried that I won't be able to re-lose weight. I mean it's not like a huge deal, but this morning I'd gained back over 1/2 of the weight I'd previously lost. Man, it's tough being a woman sometimes, having to deal with the hormones and weight gain. This month I have been constantly hungry, so I've been consciously snacking LC (low carb). One month all I craved was cheese, another it was olives. My body and hormones are so incredibly weird it's not even funny.

I went up to visit with my aunt last weekend. We had a nice day together, doing window shopping and having a great (and filling) lunch at Outback. Afterwards, we went back to her house and I helped both her and my cousin write their resumes. I'm glad I was able to do something productive for them; they're both awesome people and sometimes I worry that I can't do more to help.

It's also been a pretty busy week, since I've been at my internship for about 7-8 hours a day. I'm leaving at 3:45ish today, since I have an appointment with Dr. Wurmser, my plastic surgeon. He'll look at my scar and we'll discuss when my next (and final) surgery will be. Probably sometime next month, or the beginning of May. I really want to have my surgery after the Unity Walk and the March of Dimes Walk, so probably the first week in May. That way, I'll be able to devote some serious time to healing since the school year will be over and I won't be driving an hour each way to Ewing three times a week.

Lily's healing and recovering well, but she's not liking her solitary confinement too much. Every so often, I'll see a little black and white paw sticking out from underneath the door. She has frequent "visitors" as well; I've seen both Nina and Simba "checking in" on her from under the door.

Here's some pictures of my "grownups": Nina's the B&W kitty, and Simba's the white and tabby one. Simba's a bit of a 'fraidy cat, so there's not many pictures of him, and Nina thinks she's a dog (she prefers to lick you when you pet her).

On a more interesting note, I'm sure, to many of you, is the fact that I'm going to the Star Wars Exhibit at the Franklin Institute this weekend with Jake and some former Drewbies. I've only seen the "original" three SW movies, so I don't know how it will be (I've never had a desire to see the "prequels," I thought they should have left good enough alone, but then again, the prequels did introduce a whole new generation to SW . . . Melissa's nephews love it). I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.

Class is going pretty well this semester. I really liked my professor from last semester (Dr. Claudia Moreno), so I decided to take Social Work Practice 2 with her this semester, even though it meant that I would have to travel to the Newark campus every Monday night. We have to write a lot of papers, which isn't a big deal for me; and we've also been assigned a book to read with a group. I thought I would get a book I'd read before (Rigoberta Menchu [who won the Nobel Peace Prize]'s book called "I, Rigoberta Menchu, an Indian Woman in Guatemala") for a sociology class at Drew. (If you haven't read the book, check it out, it's pretty good) Instead, I was assigned to read Elliot Liebow's "Tell Them Who I Am: The Lives of Homeless Women." In some ways it's really a better book for me, as I'm working pretty intensively with a woman in my internship who is at-risk for homelessness and I have a lot of experience in the housing sector of social work. I also got Elliot Liebow's other book: "Tally's Corner," which I plan to read when I have time (i.e.: when I'm not busy reading required reading for the MSW program).

Still waiting with bated breath on a reply from Gallaudet about my application to the Clinical Psychology PhD program. I get butterflies in my stomach every time I get my mail, since I know that I should be hearing whether or not I got invited to go to DC for an interview ANY DAY NOW. Nervousness.

Guess that's it . . . for now.

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