Saturday, April 12, 2008


So I hit a new low on the scale today. 146.6. Cool. I'm 6.6 pounds from my goal weight. I'm looking forward to settling in to a size though, this not fitting into anything right makes me a little frustrated.

Wong pitched a 2 hitter against the B-Sox yesterday, which made me a happy lady. It would have been a no score game except Bobby Abreu fucked up a catch and allowed a home run. I hate that guy. He makes more money that humanly acceptable, yet he plays with no heart and no guts. Sad.

I made a lemon and herb roasted chicken last night that was tasty, but the bird was the fucking largest one I've ever seen (I think he was on 'roids), so it took forever and a day to cook. I'll try the recipe again, with a smaller bird next time.

Jake and I went for a hike around the Manasquan Reservoir the other day, which was okay. It wasn't much of a hike, more like a gravel road through the woods where occasionally you got a glimpse of the water. I think I like the Cheesequake hiking trails a lot better. Much more rugged and isolated. But my luck for running into people I know in the most random places has continued . . . I ran into Jodie and a friend of hers on the path at the reservoir. Weird. I saw her up above and was like "That looks like Jodie." Sure enough it was. We've been talking about getting together for ages, and voila, there she was.

Jake's still hooked on his Star Wars Wii game, and I'm ready for the baseball game at 4. :o) I love it when the Yanks play Boston. I'm all psyched and ready for the game next Wednesday. I just hope it's a wee bit warmer than it was last time.

That's enough for now . . .
Be well!

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